This could be to work on specific areas as outlined in the package, or to assess the suitability of the approach with a view to enrolling in other packages. The intensitiy of the sessions and your commitment to participation will still be required, but the focus of the programme is limited.
- Taste the approach and goal setting process – that way it’s fun and you can feel for the first time you have the support that you need.
- Focus on your health, values and priorities as outlined in the Life Overhaul package above.
- Have weekly support that will help you move through the “Stuff” in your life.
- Email support over 1 month.
- 2 ½ hours of sessions with Fiona McKenzie, that can be split in sessions of 1 or ½ hour.
- Free email newsletter.
- A special bonus for your physical well-being – 40 days of chlorella if you pay in full up front.